

“Sell so much that the kids think they are next!” – Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Make Over

My days have been spent, posting, selling and shipping my collectibles on eBay and Craigslist. I have collected a lot of stuff through out the years while  I was blocked creatively. Now I’m ready to get rid of as much as possible. The extra cash helps quite a bit with my husband’s recent lay off.
I have come to the sobering conclusion that debt is self sabotage. I have battled with it for years while avoiding my creativity. My breakthrough came while reading The Artist Way by Julia Cameron in 2003. It was HUGE for me to read her accounts on artist hiding as assistants and supporting Crazy Makers.
After moving from California to Northern Oregon to escape my Crazy Maker aka Mom, I began to slowly push through my self inflicting pain and started advocating for my own creativity. In doing this I also had to get sober about our finances. I consolidated my debts and got through some of it by watching Suze Orman. Eventually, I came across Dave Ramsey’s book Total Money Make Over** and I’ve been listening to him since.
My husband and I have attended his financial classes and have learned a lot. It has also solidified our relationship as we begin to figure out how to be more stable no matter how crazy life can get…. and it can get pretty crazy from lay offs, son in the military, close family dying of cancer, my own cancer scare and numerous surgeries.
Creating a budget is crucial to keep control of the finances and my future in painting. If I can live on a budget I have more dedicated time to paint. It’s that simple. If I am not spending more than I earn then I don’t have to get an extra job to pay for it…. hence more time to paint.
If keeping up with the bills is an issue, I highly recommend picking up Dave Ramsey’s book from the library. If it sounds doable, then check out his program at a local church**, where they meet for 9 weeks in s class setting called Financial Peace University. Like I said, it changed our life and the way we deal with money and future plans. Even though it’s held at a church it does not try to convert you in becoming a member. They are careful about not being preachy which my husband and I really appreciated.
Selling Things
Decluttering equals more room to paint bigger and money to buy supplies. It also helps in paying bills and putting food on the table when things get tight. You’d be surprised how much a weekend garage sale will bring. Or selling things that you haven’t used in a year.  Craigslist is a great place to sell stuff as it is finding an easel and other studio items for really cheap.
Learning to say NO! and yes even to myself. Learning what over extends you is very important. Teaching others to respect your time by respecting it yourself. Family and friends will take your creative time seriously if you do. Telling friends that you can’t meet them on a whim because you have scheduled a painting day will show them how important that time is for you. It won’t sink in right away. They might even get hurt that you are blowing them off by being selfish, but when they are at work you don’t drop in un-announced to take them out to lunch in the middle of a meeting. They just need to be taught by you how precious that time is. If they refuse to honor your commitment to your creativity it’s time to have a talk and even let them go. Yes, this is a serious issue for most creatives. Being assertive is key, as is being consistent.
Whole Life & Whole Foods
Eating real food and not dieting. Creating a weekly menu is another huge time and money saver. We buy in bulk, like 25lbs bags of rice and beans and shop at Costco for most of our groceries. I make mostly everything from scratch and try to keep things simple. Making a weekly menu can be time consuming for the first two weeks but once I got the hang of it, I was able to swap protein, veggies, carbs/starches and desserts pretty quickly when the ingredients are consistently available. Leftovers are also a HUGE time saver. We try to keep eating out to once a week or every other week when we are not up to cleaning up after dinner, like my teaching days.
I find it weird that whenever I try to get on a serious exercise program, like daily yoga or going to a gym, it actually takes away my need for creativity. I find this to be true with cooking elaborate recipes. After so many years of trying to balance a holistic healthy life and painting it does not work for me. I have had to put painting as my main focus and once that is accomplished for the day / week, I can head to the park for a long walk. Walking is amazing. My favorite place to walk for at least 45 minutes 3-4x a week is our local library. They have a gorgeous duck pond with water lilies and everything. When I can’t get out, I walk around the house. I put the kitchen timer on for 40 minutes to be sure I get a good walk in, as well as my favorite shows to distract myself.
Everything gets better when you spend time on it. Think about it, if you take an hour a week to plan out your schedule, exercise, food menu, finances, even relationships, they get better. The more time you dedicate to something the better it will flow and become a habit.  It took me years to get things to feel natural especially the food part. Working on one area in your life for a couple of months helps to hone in on what works for your schedule.
**I usually don’t endorse programs like this but this has been a life changer for us. Now, I do have to disclose that it is based on Christian bible beliefs on how to deal with money, but I don’t really pay attention to that part of it. I don’t think it gets in the way of the program but then again I was brought up Catholic and I’m quite used to it actually. I attribute the spiritual part of this to grace, which can be attributed to any religion and non believers. My personal beliefs lend themselves to more on the Buddha side of things, reincarnation and respect for all life…but that’s another story for another time.

2014 Came and went – Moving forward

So much has happened this past year. It’s now the end of May 2015 and I haven’t updated things here since New Year 2014. Wow… that’s hard to fathom, but in a way it makes sense since so much has happened. A cancer scare and two surgeries later, oh and a solo show added to the mix made last year whiz by like no other. In addition, my husband is laid off of work yet again so we are tightening our budget and remain as positive as possible. I will not be looking for a part time job like I always do when this happens. I am teaching, painting, budgeting and cooking to help with getting us through this yet again.

It has taken me six months to get back to painting and feeling back to normal. I am looking forward to starting yoga again after a 2yr hiatus. I’m a little worried that it will take away from my painting time but I do need to get moving.

Our painting group on Saturdays has started up again and that has been good for my husband and me to do things together that evolve around creativity. We have even gotten to show some of our figure work as a part of a group show that we started called NWFigurescape.

I am currently working on a portrait of one of our beagles named Snoopy. I have always wanted to get into pet portraits. I acquired for this purpose.

I’m also working on ideas for larger painting for another show for 2017. This would give me space and time to paint big and come up with the ideas and quality that I like to hone in on.

I am looking forward to all these great projects. One more major goal for me is to blog and work on social media marketing. Moving my lessons and coaching online is something I have always dreamed of and I believe we are ready for it. I plan on posting more frequently here as well as my Patreon page at

~with much gratitude, nancy

What’s your story?


Our stories define us… or at least we think they do. What really defines us is our beliefs but they are always changing. The best part about that is that even if we make mistakes there is always an opportunity to learn more about ourselves. I’m forty one and am just starting to get an inkling about what I believe in. So far I know I believe in compassion and beauty. What do you believe in?

What’s my story? Well I have a few!

I am a mom to two boys, one in the Army wanting to be a paratrooper and the other a very smart-witted sixteen year old musician. I miss them terribly. Yes, even the one that has not left home yet. I miss them when they were little. I miss their laughter when they ran up to me at the park when they asked for a dollar to buy ice cream from the Mexican man with the push cart with bells. I miss them when they would cuddle with my when we watched Sesame Street after their nightly bath. I miss their little hands holding mine when they crossed the street or their sweaty little heads when they fell asleep on me while I rocked them back and forth singing “you are my sunshine” or “lindo pescadito” in their ear. Such sweet boys they were… such sweet memories.

I am married to a great man. He is very supportive in whatever I get into my crazy head to do. He is the sole bread winner giving me a chance to pursue my life’s dreams whatever they may be. I in turn have committed to staying home, take care of our six pets, and cooking healthy for the whole family… and oh I do some cleaning here and there too ;)
Or I can talk about my big Mexican extended family. I am the middle child and my siblings are a handful to say the least. My older sister has always demanded the attention and my youngest brother has always gotten away with murder (not literally… but almost ;) because my parents have always been too busy working trying to get ahead. I have cushioned my parents against many situations because I was entrusted to watch my siblings or “take care of it” when they got into trouble. It’s what the responsible sibling does. I would love to say that I am not in that situation any longer but I can’t. I am the “go to” person when there is crisis in the family. I have learned a lot though, I must be proud of my honored role – I guess.
I can also speak of my creativity. How I have had to come around from the other side and sneak up on it so as not to scare it away. All the drama and struggles growing up have made it such a timid creature that I have to disguise my attempts at reaching for it. I have to move slowly towards it so it can gain my trust. I have big plans for my painting future… but for now it’s just about painting every day. It’s about not getting competitive with myself. Once that happens my creativity takes a nose dive and I go into crisis mode. Steadiness is the key here. I work on small pieces for now even though it feels like I’m playing small but at least I’m painting almost daily and that is a big accomplishment for me. I eventually want to paint big allegoric paintings with huge profound messages that will change the world! hehe…

But…there are more interests growing and demanding attention from me lately – yoga, veganism, and fighting cancer. The more I learn about nutrition the more I want to know. My husband and I started our vegan journey just over a year ago and have never looked back. My life has never felt so aligned with my values. Yes, everyone thinks we’re crazy except other vegans! But it’s my choice, my body, my life, and my karma. I am starting to feel the small whispers of wanting more. Yoga teacher training? Holistic nutritional studies? Naturopathic studies? As far as I know I do not have cancer but have had my scares and I do have close family members that have it. I tend to be the person they call to find out about alternative therapies and diets. I love helping. I feel like it’s my duty and I enjoy empowering them by asking more questions of themselves and their doctors. This is the one subject I tend to geek out on and can’t stop talking about.

When I look at what my calling is – I realize it’s not a calling. It’s multiple callings and I am listening to which one comes first. They all seem equally important! Any kind of sign or signal from the great beyond would be really welcomed right about now ;)

I have so much to be grateful for and appreciate everything that is in my life right now. I cherish every opportunity to serve the world and I know that a big part of this journey is to lead by example…whatever that path might be.

Arcadia Beach today :)

Today was the warmest day of the year at 84 degrees…wow!!
We headed out to the beach and I took my lil cigar box with me. This is my first outdoor painting ;) it’s not much but I’m so glad I finally did it. I’ve been trying to get out and paint for months now!